Urban geographer

Wellington. New Zealand.


An integrated residential location and transport mode choice model

A spatially explicit modelling analysis of residential location and transport mode choice in a city with traffic-induced air pollution

Belonging through placemaking

Exploring healthy local geographies for new parents living in suburban Aotearoa

Green space preferences in Wellington

A study of Wellingtonians’ housing preferenes - do they value local green spaces?

Planning for liveable cities

How to enhance the integration of socio-spatial indicators in city-making?

Socio-technical interactions in a complex system

An analysis on challenges of using spatial tools to support urban planning decision-making

Urban green space use patterns

A survey-based econometric analysis to explain resident’s use patterns of urban green spaces

Urban form and air pollution

An empirical analysis on links between the urban morpholgy of European urban areas and air pollution

Urban form and traffic-induced air pollution

Urban simulation models to analyse how various aspects of urban form impact the generation of and exposure to traffic-induced air polltuion

Agent-based model

An ABM grounded in urban economic theory to simulate interactions between urban structure and traffic-induced air pollution

Equilibrium and optimum city structures with local pollution

An analytical analysis of the feedback effect between urban form, residential location choice and localized air pollution

Policies, urban form, local air pollution

A policy comparison of spatial equity in a city with traffic pollution

Measures of urban sprawl

A GIS and statistical analysis to measure urban sprawl and explore its determinants

Geospatial decision-support tools

A ‘National Science Challenge’ project developing a geospatial toolkit to support evidence-based decision-making in urban planning and regeneration in Aotearoa New Zealand

Fit-for-purpose spatial data

A ‘National Science Challenge’ project to improve the use of spatial data for urban planning decision-making in Aotearoa New Zealand


Schindler, M. and Dionisio, R. (2024). Planning for urban livability: Integrating socio-spatial indicators in city-making Journal of Urban Technology.

Schindler, M. and Neely, E. (2024). Venturing outside: Local journeying, belonging and new parenthood. Health and Place, 2:87:103261. DOI 10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103261.

Campbell, A., Chanse, V. and Schindler, M. (2024). Developing a conceptual framework for characterizing and measuring social resilience in blue and green infrastructure (BGI). Sustainability, 16(9), 3847. DOI 0.3390/su16093847.

Schindler, M. (2023). A missed opportunity for health promotion? Perceptions of large-scale housing developments in Aotearoa New Zealand. The New Zealand Geographer. DOI 10.1111/nzg.12382.

Schindler, M. (2023). Nature orientation and opportunity: Who values and who has opportunity for satisfactory green spaces in proximity to their place of residence. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 84:127924. DOI 10.1016/j.ufug.2023.127924.

Schindler, M., Le Texier, M. and Caruso, G. (2022). How far do people travel to use urban green space? A comparison of three European cities. Applied Geography, 141:102673. DOI 10.1016/j.apgeog.2022.102673.

Schindler, M. and Dionisio, R. (2021). A framework to assess impacts of path dependence on urban planning outcomes, induced through the use of decision-support tools. Cities, 115:103256. DOI 10.1016/j.cities.2021.103256.

Schindler, M. and Caruso, G. (2021). Urban interventions to reduce pollution exposure and improve spatial equity. Geographical Analysis, 0. DOI 10.1111/gean.12288.

Schindler, M., Wang, J.Y. and Connors, R.D. (2021). A two-stage residential location and transport mode choice model with exposure to traffic-induced air pollution. Journal of Transport Geography, 93. DOI 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103044.

Schindler, M., Dionisio, R. and Kingham, S. (2020). Challenges of spatial decision-support tools in urban planning – Lessons from New Zealand’s cities Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 146(2). DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000575.

Dionisio, R., Schindler, M. and Kingham, S. (2020). Tools for sustainable change: How can spatial decision-support tools support transformative urban regeneration? International Journal of E-Planning Research, 9(2).DOI 10.4018/IJEPR.2020040102.

Ivory, V., O’Donnell, K., Schindler, M. (2018). Potentials, problems and possibilities for developing New Zealand’s built environment through high value geospatial information. Kotuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online.

Schindler, M., Dionisio, R. and Kingham, S. (2018). A multi-level perspective of a spatial data ecosystem: needs and challenges among urban planning stakeholders in New Zealand. International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructure Research, 13.

Schindler, M. and Caruso, G. (2018). Emerging urban form – Emerging pollution: Modelling endogenous health and environmental effects of traffic on residential choice. Environment and Planning B: Analytics and City Science.

Schindler, M., Le Texier, M. and Caruso, G. (2018). Spatial sorting in the use of green space in Brussels. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 31, 169-184.

Schindler, M., Caruso, G. and Picard, P. (2017). Equilibrium and optimum city with traffic-induced air pollution. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 62, 12-23.

Schindler, M. (2016). Spatial modelling of feedback effects between urban structure and traffic-induced air pollution – insights from quantitative geography and urban economics. PhD dissertation, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Schindler, M., & Caruso, G. (2014). Urban compactness and the trade-off between air pollution emission and exposure: Lessons from a spatially explicit theoretical model. Computers, Environment & Urban Systems, 45, 13-23.

Schindler, M., & Caruso, G. (2013). On the impacts of transport policies and urban form on traffic-induced air pollution (extended abstract). In M., Hesse, G., Caruso, P., Gerber, & F., Viti (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 74-75). Zelzate: University Press.

Schindler, M., & Caruso, G. (2012). Effects of periurban structure on air pollution: coupling CA models to understand the link between urban structure and air pollution. In D. J., Pinto N (Ed.), Proceedings of the Symposium on Cellular Automata Models of Urban and Spatial Systems (pp. 281-292). Portugal.

Selected talks

Social inequity in urban forest benefits. Urban Forest Futures New Zealand Symposium, 2024, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Belonging through placemaking: Healthy local geographies for new parents living in suburban Aotearoa. SOAC Conference, 2023, Wellington, New Zealand.

Nature orientation and opportunity: A spatial analysis of who values and who has opportunity for satisfactory green spaces in proximity to their place of residence. New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Planning healthy cities – Navigating socio-technical interactions. VUW, 2022, Wellington, New Zealand.

Developing and implementing geospatial urban planning decision-support tools - Learnings from Aotearoa New Zealand. GeoComputation, 2019, Queenstown, New Zealand.

How far do people travel to use urban green space - A view from three European Cities. ECTQG, 2019, Luxembourg.

A geospatial decision-support tool to contrast energetic outcomes, CO2 emissions, water management and socio-economic outcomes of urban areas. EGU, 2019, Vienna, Austria.

A critical reflection on the implications of the use of urban decision-support tools on urban outcomes. Regional Studies Association Conference, 2019, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

The role of decision-support tools in New Zealand’s urban planning. ANZAPS Conference, 2018, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.

Local context matters – Challenges of spatial planning tools in New Zealand. New Zealand Geographical Society and Institute of Australian Geographers Conference, 2018, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

A multi-level perspective of New Zealand’s spatial data ecosystem: Needs, barriers and initiatives among the spatial planning community. New Zealand Geospatial Research Conference, 2017, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Emitting or being exposed? A policy comparison of spatial equity in a city with traffic pollution. Invited speaker at the NECTAR workshop Smart Cities - Governing Accessibility, Air Pollution and Equity, 2017, Sao Paulo, Brasil.

An agent-based model to simulate feedback effects between traffic-induced air pollution and urban structure. International Symposium on Cellular Automata Modelling for Urban and Spatial Systems (CAMUSS), 2016, Quebec, Canada.

Optimum city structure and equity in a city with local traffic-induced air pollution. North American Regional Science Association Conference (NARSC), 2015, Portland, USA.

Modelling urban structure and exposure to traffic-induced air pollution. Invited speaker at UrbMod Workshop – Towards Modelling the Urban System, 2016, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Spatial implications of endogenous pollution externalities in a residential location model. ERSA Conference, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia.

Locational and socio-economic sorting in the use of green space: Evidence from Brussels. Annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), 2017, Boston, USA.

Effects of residential preferences and structures on population exposure to air pollution. Invited speaker at Journée Thématique: La ville et l’environment, INRA CESAER, 2013, Dijon, France.

Traffic-induced air pollution concerns and policy design – Impact analysis on urban structure and distance-related exposure equity. Sommerkonferenz zur Regionalforschung, 2015, Kiel, Germany.


  Healthy Cities

  Geographic theory

  Field methods (Human Geography)

  Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

  Urban and environmental economics

  Spatial analysis and modelling

  Statistics and spatial econometrics
